Author: ted
13.1 miles in 2:05:30 – rough slog to get done today brings me to just around 58.5 miles this week
Yeah…I don’t think the beer and pizza late last night helped my run much today. It was a pretty tough push to even get within 10 minutes of the time it took me to do the same distance yesterday. That being said it was also my 5th day in a row of running (45.42 in those 5…
13.1 miles in 1:55:59 on a warm and sunny morning. Definitely felt good to go a bit faster on a longer outdoor run
…and I only almost got run over once. By a cyclist not following road rules – that stop sign meant you sir! Good thing I am always watching for that sort of thing, especially on residential area intersections. Lesson in that – Keep your heads up folks! Anyway – no harm done and I wasn’t…
4.45 miles in 40:59 – nice and easy stretching of the legs on a warm and sunny morning
I am off work today so I wanted to get in a short run to stretch out the legs before I start tackling a bunch of odd jobs. My mind was wandering pretty good and my hips and calves were tight so it wasn’t the greatest run but it felt good to get it done.…
6.55 miles in 46:19 @ 1% – That felt good!
Definitely a strong run tonight – after a rough week of not feeling well and missing miles it felt really good to push pretty hard. I started off a strong 7.5 mph speed with an occasional bump up to 9 mph to test the legs and see where I was. At about the 10 minute…
8.22 miles in 1 hour – felt decent after feeling off for a few days
I had an 18 miler planned for Sunday but with sleeping in and then the heat I did not get out in time to get it done. So I intended to do it later in the day once it cooled off a bit…but then I managed to cook myself pretty good while out in the…
9 miles in the heat and humidity (29C – 84F with 90% humidity) in 1:28:03 – like running through warm soup
I got up early this morning to run (was out of the house at 6:30 am) to try and avoid the major heat today – it was already pretty hot with the humidity when I started and when I finished at 8 am it was 29C / 84F with the 90% humidity…there was a very…
5.39 miles in 40 minutes on the treadmill – good run but mentally wasn’t really there – glad it is a rest day tomorrow!
Right after work I hopped in the pool tonight with the wife and kids. We splashed around in there for a good hour (including some pool resistance exercises) before supper and then after a little time to let that settle they went back in the pool and I got on the treadmill. In the end…
8.27 miles 1 hour on the treadmill – felt surprisingly good tonight
I wasn’t sure what to expect on the treadmill tonight – it was going to be my 5th day in a row of running with Sunday having 2 runs. So I kind of expected my legs were going to be a bit beaten up and they weren’t going to want to move. In the end…
5 miles outside in the cold, wind and rain in 44:29 – if the weather is going to be crap on Canada Day at least I can get a decent run out of the deal
After 4 runs in the last 3 days I wasn’t sure I would have the motivation to run today but it is day 1 of my summer maintenance plan / Dopey Challenge training plan and I wasn’t going to start that with a bad attitude! I had done most of my running the treadmill this…
With 4 miles today I hit 143 miles for June and a grand total of 900 so far for 2014!
With a total of over 17 miles for Sunday and Monday I have managed to hit a grand total of 900 miles so far for 2014! A very strong year for me so far. I hit a total of 1400 miles for all of last year and I should hit that by the end of…