7 days into my run everyday until the end of August challenge – how are things going?


I made it through week 1 of my run every day until the end of August challenge!

So a bit of a recap of what I am trying to do here – my running has fallen off and I am trying to get it back and I am trying to do that by forcing myself to run every day from July 16th until the end of August. My hope is that this will help make running a habit again and give me a kick start to get lead into Dopey Challenge training.

In the last post/video, I left it a bit in the air as to whether or not I was going to do the Dopey Challenge in January or not – in the end I did sign up. I was able to sign up with early access – which I am kind of glad I was able to do, based on the kind of issues it sounds like people were having.

I did end up having one issue – I got to the final payment screen and there was no place to enter payment info. I ended up having to restart and got through on the second attempt. Hopefully runDisney gets the kinks worked out!

I have also have booked my flights for the races so that’s done – where I am staying isn’t decided yet (heading there with my brother and we don’t have that part figured out yet).

So how did going from maybe running twice a week to running every day for a week (at this point) work? Surprisingly not bad.

I got in a total of 22.5 miles for the 7 days of running. Two of the days were “rest” days where I did 1 mile one day and 2 miles for the other. All other days were a minimum of 3.5 miles and a maximum of 5 miles. So no long runs so far but I have to be careful how hard I push so I don’t injure myself.

Speaking of which – how is my left ankle doing? The one that has been causing me grief for months – it is holding up really well – if anything it feels better today after 7 days than it did before I started the run streak. That is a surprise – and a welcome one at that!

My only real issue is some leg fatigue and some torn up skin on my right ankle – but that wasn’t caused by running. I wore some dress shoes to a funeral on Friday and they did a number on my one ankle. With a bandage on the rough bit I can without an issue – so that’s good.

What else happened this week? Hmmm….well my Bluetooth headphones burnt to a crisp….they were acting funny for a day or two – randomly turning on and off during runs and things like that. Then on Friday they wouldn’t properly turn off. I got that sorted and on Saturday morning I put them on the charger…about 10 minutes later I smelled burning plastic and electronics and the whole headphone set was super hot to the touch. I yanked the charger out of the wall (the charger was hot too!) and the charge cable had fused to the headset and a bunch of the plastic on the headphones was melted. I am glad I didn’t put those on the charger Friday night before I went to bed – that could have been bad!

So as a synopsis – things are looking good – I am down a few pounds, I am still feeling motivated and I am showing no injuries or issues with the running. I will continue on with about another 40 days to go!

Thanks for following along!


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