Dopey Challenge in January 2019? Am I going to do it?


Ok – tomorrow I can sign up for the Walt Disney World Marathon…am I going to?

I don’t know at this point and it is chewing me up mentally and physically. It is an expensive thing to do and if I am not going to do it properly it isn’t worth the cost. Can I get myself out of my running funk and start building back to where I want to be?

I don’t know frankly, so I am going to talk it out here and see where I land – there are going to be a lot of “buts” over the next few paragraphs….

I have mentioned in before that I have been fighting an ankle issue for several months, I believe I have that sorted and I am on the mend here getting some good runs in…but my mental and physical stamina are gone. I have fallen apart.

I think I am maybe even worse off now than when I started this blog back in 2012 – my weight is up, my running is off and my brain is just not in it. But I must get better – I miss being able to do what I could do before.

Right now I run maybe 1-3 times a week and not very far on each run. The other day I did my first hour long run in months. But to get started on a run takes everything I have willpower wise.

What can I do? I just don’t know at this point how to get my head back in the game besides just making myself run, get going, get focussed, lose weight and just get moving. But those are just words – translating them to actions is the hard part.

I have been here before and I know I can get through this – I need the right push – but what is that push?

Is it writing about what I do? Is it getting back on Twitter and seeing others who are motivated to drive me on? I don’t know frankly – so I think I need to really shake things up and change many things at once.

That means – I am going to try some things that will probably seem fairly odd on the surface but I am hoping new things will equal success – or at least more motivation.

So what am I going to try?

  1. Daily running – I tried a run streak previously that fell down but if I can make myself run every day for a set period of time then maybe I can get a habit formed again. So the goal I am setting is to run every day from today until the end of August – about 6 weeks. From there it will be a couple weeks to a half marathon that I hope to use to get corral placement for the Walt Disney World Marathon. From that race it is 18 weeks until the event – that fits with my standard 18 week training program.
  2. Twitter and blogging – I am going to go back to the original goal of the blog – to keep myself honest and motivated to keep going. I will use Twitter to keep myself honest as well.
  3. YouTube – I have talked about this before but I am going to use YouTube in combination with the blog to interact with the runDisney community and the running community in general.
  4. Diet – I have been trying to break myself away from Coca-Cola but it has been hard and I have been a bit cranky and that isn’t helping the running or mindset at all. I need to continue on this path though and continue to make other diet changes to get my weight down. I probably need to come down 25-30 pounds again at this point and maybe more. That is a longer term goal though – I will have more realistic goals in the shorter term.
  5. Swim before work? Walk before work? I run in the evenings on weekdays – it would be good to get some extra exercise before heading into drive my desk for the day.

Does that make sense? It is a place to start anyway – the daily running is probably the one that makes the least amount of sense – if I can’t run regular now why would deciding to do a run streak make sense? I don’t know but maybe having that pressure and a goal to focus on will work…? We’ll see I guess!

I am going to cut this off here – let me know if you have any suggestions on how to get motivated and stay motivated!

Oh yeah…currently I believe I will sign up for the Dopey Challenge (I so much prefer the Goofy but at this point I need the bigger challenge as a motivation).


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