August 7th, 2013 (Wednesday)


224 when I woke up and 223.5 after evening run

Weight came down a bit overnight – legs feel a bit less bloated and wedding ring is looser so I am pretty sure I lost some retained water but there is still probably more to go.  Going to keep watching to see how things go over the next few days but if I have any aches or pains for the next little bit I will be using ASA or acetaminophen instead of ibuprofen.

Run tonight was pretty good – pushed for higher speeds but decided to go longer than the 30 minutes in my plan and shoot for 40 minutes instead.  Did 5.18 miles in the 40 minutes with 4.5 minutes of that at 9 mph but most of it at 8 mph.  Things felt nice and strong.

I did manage to trip the treadmill’s internal breaker again tonight at around the 29.5 minute mark while going 9 mph – the treadmill had no issues with me resetting the breaker immediately so it wasn’t an overheating issue on the motor and I had no more trips on it while I completed the remaining 10.5 minutes most of which was at 8 mph.  The best I can figure is I am somehow running on the treadmill in such a way that I am forcing the motor to work harder than it should to maintain the speed I am attempting.  This can happen if the belt is too tight but I have already checked that and there are no issues there so it keeps pointing back to me specifically and how I am using the treadmill.

When the breaker tripped yesterday I was near the end of a 9 mph cycle and was near the front of the deck and had grabbed one of the handles to steady myself as I pushed through the final seconds (a bit of a cheat for sure).  When the breaker tripped today I wasn’t holding on but again I was part way through a 9 mph cycle and was near the front of the deck incase I had to grab on to steady myself.

The correlation here between both breaker trips is the fact that I was running fast and that I was near the front of the deck.  I realized this on the run tonight and watched myself afterwards and noticed that I do tend to inch toward the front of the deck if I am near my limit in case I have to grab on.  When I am doing that though I think I am too close to the front and I might be causing the belt to catch on the front edge of the deck base – the motor then needs to compensate for not only moving me but for the added friction of the edge of the plywood of the deck.  My old treadmill (the one I busted the deck on) had a wear pattern on the deck that would support this theory as well.

So my plan is to make sure I am using the safety key and cord when I do faster runs and force myself to run mid deck and correct my position if it looks like I am moving too far forward.  This will be a good thing in general as it should eliminate any temptation to cheat (even momentarily) by holding on or steadying myself with the grips – it might mean at least initially that I can’t go quite as long at the higher speeds but if that is the case it means this has helped me catch a way I was tricking myself and will help me correct it to give a more honest idea of where I am with the speed work.


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