August 6, 2013 (Tuesday)


225.5 when I woke up this morning and 226 after evening run

Weight spike out of nowhere – as far as I could figure I hadn’t eaten anything that would have caused a weight spike and it also didn’t make sense that I didn’t manage to get my weight to come down at all this weekend even with more mileage than planned and lots of time in the pool.  But I my calves were feeling very thick and my wedding ring was feeling too tight – which didn’t make sense either really but pointed to retained water.  Again nothing I have eaten should have caused that and the running and time in the pool would have actively been working against water retention so it really didn’t make any sense.  I did eventually find one thing that might have been the issue though – I have been having some back pain (from sleeping funny) since Friday and I have been taking ibuprofen to deal with it.  After doing some reading online, it sounds like ibuprofen can cause weight gain…from water retention.  So luckily my back pain has cleared up and I’ve stopped taking the ibuprofen but I will look at avoiding it for a while if I have any other injuries come up and see if the weight drops back down or not.

Run tonight was 4.01 miles in 30 minutes doing 800 meter (1/2 mile) splits – did 3 splits with 7.5 mph for 0.25 miles and 9 mph for 0.5 miles and then backed off and did the rest of the run at around 8 mph.  Felt good to put in some speed!

I did get the treadmill breaker to trip on me at the end of the last split – in this case the breaker in the treadmill itself went not the one in the breaker panel which is good.  This points to me pushing the treadmill too hard and not to an issue with my house wiring.  I will have to watch how I am running to see if I am doing something at the higher speeds that is causing extra strain on the motor because the specs on the machine say it should be able to handle my weight at the speeds I am doing.  Another mystery to solve…


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