August 11th, 2013 (Sunday)


225 when I woke up (bloody hell) and 220.5 after morning run

We had quick fast food burgers for lunch yesterday and then ended up having a quick take out pizza with my son last night from a place we don’t normally use.  My system felt awful most of the night including some nausea later in the evening.  So either my system rebelled against having fast food twice in one day or my body really did not like something in the pizza.  Either way my weight climbed up from yesterday.

Still felt nasty this morning but slammed a coffee and headed out anyway.  I had set my alarm so I could get up early enough to try for 4 laps this morning (approx. 17.5-18 miles) even though my schedule shows 9 miles for today.  Felt bad enough that I killed the alarm and went back to sleep for a while and then got up to at least force myself to do 1 lap.  Still put on my running belt and grabbed a bottle of water hoping that I would be able to push through and get 2 laps in to stay on schedule.

First lap was awful to say the least – was about 3-4 minutes slower than the same distance yesterday and I just couldn’t seem to push at all.  But I managed to force myself to keep going and start the second lap – this one was better with more solid pace that would have been close to the lap time from yesterday and I was able to get in the zone occasionally.  I must have worked most of the poison out of my system for the third lap and I was able to push pretty decently for this one.  I was able to keep my pace around where it was on the second lap while also putting in 3 higher speed pushes (one for close to a quarter mile near 10 mph and 2 more shorter periods (.1 mile each) near the end at around 8 mph).  The pushes felt good to get in and helped me recover my time a bit from the first lap.

Overall the distance was 13.1 miles in 2:02:50 – about 40 seconds faster than 2 weeks ago when I ran the same circuit.  Considering the issues at the start I am basically happy with the time and it shows I have endurance.  If you look at my pace over the whole period and draw an averaging line my pace actually goes up through the run with the slowest average at the beginning and the fastest at the end.  Nice.

Looks like the weather will be gorgeous today so I will get swimming in today (which is great) but I will also go need to help the mother-in-law do some yard work (which is not so great – shoveling…at least it is calorie burn)


runDisney still shows Goofy Challenge at 92%…hurry up and fill up already and stop torturing me with indecision as to whether or not I will do it this year!!!!



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