2019 Dopey Challenge training – catching up in the last week before it’s go time!


Hey everyone! Time for a quick update on the Dopey Challenge 2019 training!

It has been a few weeks since I managed to get a blog or video up so I have a few things to cover!

First up – my actual training…

It has been ok – nothing spectacular but not awful either. I have had some issues with my ankle and a few more issues with motivation and drive. But I have gotten in a fair bit of running – mostly of the shorter variety. Since the last update I have gotten in a 10 miler, a few in the 5-7 mile range and several 5k runs.

Unfortunately I have not gotten in another long run, so my 16 miler is going to be my longest training run going into the Dopey Challenge. This is obviously not ideal, but I only have myself and my brain to blame for this one. I have confidence that I will complete the Dopey Challenge, but I will definitely be maximizing the amount of time I am spending on the course.

So I am not pleased with the condition I am in, and I know I am in for a world of hurt, but I will have to put a happy face on it and do my best. That and keep reminding myself that the whole point of this race for me is to try to push through some of my stress and build a foundation for getting back to where I want to be. The foundation isn’t as strong as I would like, but I am still building it.

From that little bit of a downer, let’s move on to some good stuff!!

I have been invited to take part in Cigna’s 2019 Blogger Meet-up in Disney again this year! It was a blast last year with other bloggers like the folks from Joyful Miles and Rezruns being there. It was a pretty cool networking opportunity where we broke down into teams and did a bunch of fitness games and things like that.

I have a post where I talked about it in more depth: https://biggoofyrunner.com/cigna-blogger-social-media-meetup-jan-5-2018/

It was a lot of fun and I am really looking forward to it again this year. They seem to try a different location each year for the meet up. Last year was in the Atlantic Dance Hall on Disney’s Boardwalk. This year it will be in the General Motors Conference & Training Center inside Epcot (right inside the Test Track building!) which should be really cool to see.

It should also be interesting to see who is there this year – based on what I am seeing there should be several folks there that I have followed on Twitter (and vice versa) for years. That should be cool to meet some of those folks.

And for the next thing – after the Dopey Challenge is done I am going to be trying something new…my first virtual race. I have never done one before but figured I would give a shot for something different to do. I will be doing the Star Wars Virtual Half Marathon! Part of me doesn’t really get the idea of a virtual race – it sometimes seems like paying for a medal.

So to avoid that, I figured I would do something a bit unique to get my mileage in for this race. I won’t say what that is here yet as I want it to be a bit of a surprise. It is going to take some time to put this one together so don’t expect the video or the blog post on that one either late January or early February. I am looking forward to having some fun with the virtual half and hopefully it makes for a fun video!!

Anyway – that is all I have for today. Hopefully I will get one more video up before I head out to Disney World next week as a final update but either way, thanks for tuning in!


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