Author: ted
9 miles in 65:27 @ 1% – was concerned stomach issues from overnight would return but ended up ok
Yeah – so like I posted on Twitter – ended up being awake for about 2 – 2.5 hours overnight around 2 am with stomach issues. Still not sure if it was a stomach flu or my body disagreeing with supper. I ended up feeling ok when I got up around 8 this morning but…
Disney World Marathon 2014 – Full Marathon photos
As I said in the half marathon photos post we finally decided to purchase photos from MarathonFoto for the 2014 Goofy Challenge. This post will be for the full marathon which both my wife and I did but ran separately. (2014 Disney World Marathon race report)
Disney World Marathon 2014 – half marathon race photos
We finally decided to purchase race photos from the 2014 Goofy Challenge and thought I would share some here on the site. MarathonFoto got some great shots. This post will be for the half marathon that my wife and I did together. (Goofy challenge 2014 half marathon race report) Full marathon photos will be their…
4.17 miles in 30 minutes @ 1% – good strong run tonight – felt really good.
Strong half hour run on the treadmill tonight – no walking and alternating minutes of 7 and 9 mph. Also did some stretches of 9 mph for up to 3 minutes. Felt really good to push the time on the faster speed. Looks like it is also time to start pushing harder on the actual…
8 miles in 66:41 @ 1% incline – strong steady run – set my pace and kept it steady the whole run – that felt nice
Definitely a nice solid run on the treadmill tonight – 8 miles in 66:41 @ 1% incline – set my speed at 7.2 mph and kept it there the whole run. This helped allow the brain to wander – was kind of nice. It is awesome that the weather is starting to warm up outside…
4.12 miles in 30 min @ 1% – not too bad considering I fell asleep on the couch 30 min before I ran.
Yeah, so – sitting on the couch reading and ended up dropping the book – not sure how long I was out but couldn’t have been more that 10 minutes. Took that as a sign that I needed to get on the treadmill right away and not wait until after we put the kids down.…
13.1 miles in 1:53:35 @ 1% – took it slower today so the mind could wander a bit…still not the same as a nice long run outside…
For the run tonight I decided to take it slow so that I could try to emulate a long run outside. I hoped to be able to let my mind wander the way it can on an outdoor run – had partial success on that front. Just couldn’t get into the same zone…yeah – ready…
9 miles in 67:51 @ 1% – very solid run this morning – felt good. Had to try something I hadn’t in a while on the treadmill.
To avoid the -50C windchills this morning I ran on the treadmill…again. 9 miles in 67:51 @ 1% incline. I felt pretty solid for the run and went back to an old standby for cutting the boredom on the treadmill – constantly ramping until I hit a max and then backing off and doing it…
8 miles in 64:14 @ 1% incline – run started kinda rough but I was able to settle in after a while – not great but ok.
After missing my run on Tuesday and cutting my run yesterday 3 miles short I needed to make up some ground tonight. So instead of the scheduled 4 miles I put in 8 instead. The run wasn’t bad in the end but it certainly wasn’t my best and it started pretty rough. I had my…
5 miles in 41 min @ 1% – no time to get full 8 scheduled miles in tonight – will have to do that run tomorrow now
Wednesday nights our kids have music lessons and we end up basically running around with them from when I get home from work until 8 o’clock or so and then by the time we get them to bed I am kind of pooped. Plus there really isn’t time then to get in what I usually…