Author: ted
10.1 miles in 1:38:29 outside – very icy – fell once
Got up early this morning to get an outdoor run in. Still fairly cool with the wind but not too bad. There has been a bunch of thawing / refreezing going on and the paths were very icy today. I was fighting some G.I. issues as well so I decided to run slow and steady…
5 miles in 41:44 @ 1% incline – took it easy and watched a The Walking Dead episode…maybe not the best show to watch on the treadmill
At least I didn’t trip… I knew I wanted to take the run easy tonight on the treadmill since I did a pretty hard run last night. I also need to catch up on The Walking Dead with the season finale coming up. So I figured if I took a solid steady run the timing…
5 miles in 35:26 @ 1% – time limited tonight so pushed hard – felt awesome to move!
I only had a bit of time to run tonight so I had to get my 5 miles done fast. With that in mind I decided to push a bit harder than I have been to see things fell. I basically ran 5 minute cycles where I would do 1 minute at 7.2 mph, 1…
Weekly weigh in – most of the week went well but some issues in the past 2 days
So a week into my renewed attempts to get my weight moving in the right direction I really haven’t made progress. As of this morning I was actually at the same weight or higher than what I was a week ago…but that doesn’t really tell the whole story. Yesterday morning I was 2 pounds down…
10 miles in 82:22 @ 1% incline – steady run – felt good
I swapped out today’s shorter run for tomorrow’s longer run tonight. I am going to be short on time tomorrow night and getting in a strong 10 miler would be tough. So I took it strong and steady today for the 10 mile run. I only had 4 minutes of walking through the 10 miles…
With 6 miles tonight up to 19.2 miles for the day
Managed to get outside to run this morning! I had 2 entirely different temperature readings for local sources (10 degrees different!) and one of them was way too cold to run and the other was ok’ish. So I thought I would give it a try and head out just to see. I was in such…
9 mile run this morning in 64:24 @ 1% – felt strong today. -35 C (-31 F) windchill temps made it another treadmill day
Woke up this morning and the temperature outside was -35 C (-31 F) with the windchill…yep back to the treadmill again. Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit warmer but still not great. Might be able to get my scheduled 19 miler in outside but I will make the final call on that tomorrow morning…
4.21 miles in 30 minutes @ 1% incline – nice strong run – felt good. Rest day tomorrow then 9 on Sat and 19 on Sun
Solid run tonight – felt really good. I started with 7.2 mph and 9 mph one minute intervals with every second 9 mph interval lasting 2 minutes. Did that until I hit 10 minutes and then did 2 minutes at 9 mph for every minute at 7.2 mph finishing the second 10 minutes with a…
9 miles in 73:55 @ 1% – took it easy and got in a groove – felt great. Whoohoo!
I decided to take it easy tonight and not rush the 9 miles that I had scheduled. I wanted to run a run with out focusing too much on time and just get lost in the moment. This can be pretty hard to achieve on a treadmill but I think I did pretty well today.…
4.22 miles in 30 min @ 1% – nice hard push – felt good and finished with lots of energy left. Awesome!
Definitely a strong push tonight. Probably my fastest run since late January and I felt great after making me think I could have gone harder. Good confidence booster at any rate. I will have to build on this. The run had no walk breaks and my speed alternated between 7.2 and 9 mph for 1…