Author: ted
5 miles in 38:27 on the treadmill – legs are feeling a bit beat up on the treadmill so set it to have a bit more give
My legs have been feeling a bit beat up this week and it seems to have to do with the treadmill. A good solid run on uneven terrain over the weekend didn’t have the same result so it does seem to go back to just the treadmill runs. The treadmill has settings for making the…
9 miles in 70:30 on the treadmill tonight – felt harder than it should have. I’ll blame that on lack of sleep at this point
A decently strong run tonight with a good chunk of it run at a steady 8 mph. I was definitely feeling like it was taking some work to get moving – even at the half hour mark I was feeling the strain even though I was going slower that what I did last night. But…
Updated my current training schedule – time to kick my butt into gear!
I finally decided it was time to get serious about moving again! After feeling a bit drained and unfocused after a strong Dopey Challenge in January and low mileage since, I am starting to feeling a bit more energized again. So I am taking that energy and enthusiasm and translating that into my planned running…
11 treadmill miles tonight in 89:08 – pretty solid – watching a good action movie helped!
Definitely a good run tonight – I wasn’t sure where I would get to but I knew I needed to get a decent length run in. So I strapped on my Hoka Cliftons, put The Hobbit – Battle of 5 Armies on the monitor and got moving. Things felt good right from the start –…
5 miles in 36:15 – some intervals today to try to get the energy flowing. Felt surprisingly good.
I was fighting a headache for about an hour before I got on the treadmill – contemplating not running but figured I would hit the treadmill hard and it would either cure the headache or make it bad enough that I had to stop. And if I had to stop at least I would have…
3.6 miles in 30 min on the treadmill – just taking it easy on an unscheduled run tonight
I didn’t have a run scheduled tonight but I figured I would put in a few miles anyway to build a bit of a buffer for the week. Work looks like it will be hectic this week so I wanted to make sure I got my miles in early in case I am too torched…
8.85 miles outside in 1:18:53 – felt good to get outside for a while. Strange that it seemed easier than the treadmill lately.
A couple solid laps around the neighborhood this morning, continuing my push to get back to higher mileage. There was some fresh snow and a few very uneven areas where some drifts started to melt yesterday and refroze. But other than that winter running conditions were good – not much wind and temperatures were bearable.…
7.5 miles in 61:25 on the treadmill tonight. Trying to rebuild some endurance.
I knew I wanted to get a bit further tonight to start rebuilding some endurance so I started off slower and tried to build up the speed slowly over the run. I started off easy tonight and did the first 10 minutes at 7 mph and then bumped the speed up to 7.2 mph for…
5 miles in 36:52 on the treadmill – strong push tonight. Definitely felt good!
Did not feel like running tonight but forced myself to get on the treadmill anyway by convincing myself I would do a fast 5k and call it. That worked pretty well – once I got the blood flowing I figured I would go to a half hour instead and should be over 4 miles…hit just…
Ok – trying to build up motivation to run hard again! Signed up for Lemming Loop 12 hour run in October
Well – with the Dopey Challenge completed and run well in January, I am finding that my motivation to train is kind of gone. I have always been better at hitting a goal than maintaining. I will be pushing to hit hard in the WPS Half Marathon in early May – so that is a…