March 7, 2013 (Thursday)


231 when I woke up this morning and 232 after 3.37 mile run tonight in 30 minutes.

Wednesday did 6.82 mile run in 1 hour and Tuesday was 3.4 mile run in 30 minutes.

The stars did not align to get my running in last Saturday and Sunday (March 2nd and 3rd).  Also my weight did a spike again getting up to 235.5 on Monday March 4th.  Not really sure what happened there but the weight is back down to where it was last week at the same time.  This makes 3 weeks where I have basically been on the same up and down cycle and I need to break it.

I have restarted having a couple hard boiled eggs for breakfast along with a protein shake and 20 raw almonds (started again today).  My most regular weight loss in the fall occurred while I was doing the egg thing and I have read a few things in the past week that have pointed to having a high protein breakfast to aid in weight loss while retaining muscle mass.  So I am starting the egg thing again and we will see where that goes.

Running seems to be going well besides the missed runs on the weekend – seem to be able to push a bit more steady speed for longer periods – if I can get it to translate into similar speeds outside then I should be able to hit near the 2 hour mark for the WPS Half Marathon at the beginning of May (especially if I can get the weight loss to kick in again).


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