OK – got the site back up…maybe I should write something? Status report


Alrighty – the site is back up and running after some issues with the hosting…so maybe I should actually use the site?

Brief synopsis:


Where do I stand running wise?

Not good – I feel like I am pretty much back at square one. I did a decent 5 mile run tonight so it probably isn’t as doom and gloom as I think in my head but it still isn’t great. This means I am basically going to do my standard 18 week training program for the Dopey Challenge in January. Nothing fancy – just do the miles, follow the program, and train myself to make running a habit again.


Where do I stand weight wise?

Heavy – I stand heavy. With my running not happening and lots and lots of stress my weight has gone from a slow climb to deciding to take the elevator. I bloody gained 5 pounds on a 4 day road trip to see the total eclipse for crying out loud and that trip included lots of walking.

I have started to make headway on bringing it back down but it is going to take time and commitment.


So what the heck is the problem?

Stress mostly. In a moment stress can be a good motivator but steady constant stress will kill you.

I know running can help but grabbing that life line has been tough over the past 6 months or so. Which is part of the reason I need to make it a habit again, so I don’t even think about it and convince myself to not run.

Shoes appear to have been an issue too. I have been feeling beat up after every run and that was pretty demoralizing too. But I think I have the shoes figure out now and I can run without my joints (especially my Achilles tendon) feeling destroyed.


Rough game plan to stop being a slug and get back to where I want to be?

  • Follow the 18 week plan.
  • Get strict on my diet again.
  • Pay close attention to my gear and make sure to make changes as soon as necessary. Trust my body.
  • Write / blog – vent my frustration and brag my accomplishments – get the good and the bad out there so that I don’t dwell too much on the negative.
  • Train with my son (doing the 10k with him for Dopey Challenge in January as well as the 5k with the whole family)
  • Resistance training


More dedicate posts will come out getting into more detail but I wanted to get something out to avoid the procrastination.


Anyway, I will cut this one off here and talk to you folks later. Happy running!


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