As part of my whole Goofy Race and Half Challenge training program I knew I needed to lose weight. So I set up a plan and a goal and started tracking my weight versus my goal in Excel.
I have a previous post about my weight loss goals located here:
That post had info up to about December 11th – after that were of course the holidays, etc and my weight did not continue along the same path it had been on. I plateaued at least until right after New Years and then the weight started to come down again even in the tapering period leading up to the Goofy.
During the plateau period I was doing some of my more intense training weeks and I was concerned that maybe I had hit an equilibrium point on my plan and that I was going to have to rethink everything. But the weight loss resuming after the holidays proved it really was just over consumption or at least consumption of the wrong things over the holidays. I probably had too much pop, too many high carb items like bread and sweets and most likely a few more beers than was strictly necessary.
The trick now will be to get into a regular training plan again now that we are back and ensure that I watch my diet – especially the soda.
So for actual figures for the training:
- starting weight – 257 pounds (fluctuating higher or lower every day)
- ending weight (2 hours before getting on the plane to Orlando) – 233.5
- total weight loss – 23.5 pounds
- goal 227 – 30 pounds
- start date – September 6th, 2012 (Thursday)
- end date – January 10th, 2013 (Thursday)
- total of 18 weeks
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