#trainingrun – Sept 1st, 2013 (Sunday) – 2.78 miles in 25:40 – last run before race tomorrow


225 when I woke up this morning (bloody hell) and 224 after the run.

Weight spiked due to eating out for lunch yesterday and then a big supper last night plus a few beer.  Having company is killing my diet (need to work on that).  Company has gone home as of today so after the race tomorrow I can concentrate on getting back on track.  Weight should come back down a few pounds today I suspect which would be goof for the race tomorrow.

If I have to find a positive from the weight gain I could at least say that I should be fueled for the race tomorrow.

Run today was outside – nicely it was a little cool out but still nice enough that a short sleeve shirt worked and I was able to work up a bit of a sweat on the short run.  2.78 miles in 25:40 – took it easy as I just wanted to get the legs stretched out and check a new running shirt to make sure it is going to work for my race tomorrow. (more on the new shirt in another post coming up)

I had hoped to spend a fair bit of time relaxing in the pool today to stay limber for tomorrow but it seems like it will be a little cool today for that but I will look at that again later in the afternoon.

I will probably do a post a little later on my thoughts and getting organized for tomorrow’s race – the Run for Diabetes Research.


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