Training thoughts – up to September half marathons


So I have been doing some thinking as to what my training should be going for the half marathons I have signed up for in September (2nd and 22nd – see the post for more information).

Basically Monday the 15th of July marks the 7 week point prior to the first of the 2 halfs and I would like to get my weight down and my speed up by then while still maintaining my longer distance endurance.  My goal would be to beat my personal best of 1:46:11 for a half in one of these 2 races – translating to close to a 7.5 mph average pace required.

So my basic thoughts for those 7 weeks are to attempt to lose 2 pounds each week and do the following running:

Tuesdays – 3-4 miles at higher speeds – try to do as little walking as possible – try to make sure average speed for the run is greater than 7.5 mph and any running is at 7.5 mph or greater

Wednesdays – 3-6 miles depending on time available but concentrate on hitting high speeds for 0.5 to 2 minute stretches and as time progresses and cardio improves start to add some incline

Thursdays – same as Tuesdays

Saturdays – do a leisurely run outside doing my 4.5 mile loop around the neighborhood – should be able to use this as a measure to see if my pace when I don’t push myself is improving

Sundays – longer outdoor runs doing the 4.5 mile loop – probably do a cycle where I do 2 laps one Sunday, 3 laps the next and 4 the week after that and then do a 5 lap circuit the weekend after the 2nd of the 2 halfs are done?

I will get this into a spreadsheet / calendar format soon and post that when it is ready.

In addition to this running work I will be wanting to continue exercising and relaxing in the pool daily (weather permitting) to do some low impact training and help keep things loosened up.  I will put up another post shortly that will describe what I am doing for resistance training in the pool and for cardio training as well.


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