Oct 15, 2012 (Monday)


251 this morning – was lower over the weekend especially after runs (247.5 Sunday after the run) – slowly moving in the right direction.

Saturday’s run was done on the treadmill – 6.6 miles in one hour and an additional 2.2 in 22 minutes – very good speed but there was a fair bit of assist from leaning on the treadmill.

Sunday’s run was done in the park dodging cars from a Frisbee tournament (the tournament was the reason I was on the treadmill on Saturday). I obviously went too far and too fast on Saturday because I was done after 5 laps (11 miles) – I had hoped to 7 laps but I was too frustrated with the traffic and I could tell I was fried. I will have to look to be more careful on my Saturday runs. All told though for being overworked doing the 11 miles in approx. 2 hours and 5 minutes wasn’t horrible – I could have finished one more lap and probably have beaten my Goofy 2012 half time (if not the previous Sunday’s time). But this was definitely a wakeup call to pay more attention on the Saturday runs and work on my speed during the week instead of on the weekend.

I still need to sit down and work through better organizing a training plan – I need to balance out the 28 week plan from Disney (by Jeff Galloway), Hal Higdon’s intermediate I program and a new 16 week Goofy plan I found at: http://www.hoedlshaven.com/DISNEYMARATHON/goofychallenge.html – they all would seem to indicate that I was pushing too fast on Saturday which highlights that I need to sort out an actual schedule. I am really liking the Hoedl site – definitely check out his videos of the Disney marathons, etc – very motivational.

I seem to keep pushing to try to get my speed up because I really want to do so much better than I have the past 2 Goofys. I think that even though I have set myself the goals of 2:10 and 4:30 I have set myself faster goals in the back of my mind – I still want to get below 2 hours on the half and I keep thinking about beating my personal best on the full (4:15:01) – I don’t have the time to get to those speeds but they keep driving me – I have to be careful about that because I don’t want to get frustrated when the training times don’t work for it. That kind of thought process could get me hurt and depending on how hurt that could end the whole deal.

Interesting quote from the hoedlshaven site above:

At Mile 20, I thought I was dead.

At Mile 22, I wished I was dead.

At Mile 24, I knew I was dead

At Mile 26.2, I realized I was too tough to kill.


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