July 11, 2013 (Thursday)


229 when I woke up this morning and 227.5 after the morning run.

Run this morning was 4.5 miles in 44 minutes outside – same route and almost exactly the same time as yesterday.  First mile or so was a little rough but after that I settled in and things felt pretty good.  My right thigh just above my knee was aching a bit but seems to be ok – probably just needs to be worked in a bit better.

Weight was a bit disappointing today but probably understandable as we went out to a restaurant for breakfast yesterday and I had a bagel with cream cheese for lunch as well.  I then also had a bunch of coke and some licorice through the day – it should probably have all added up to weigh gain yesterday so I should feel lucky that I stayed steady instead.

I did spend a couple hours in the pool yesterday with the wife and kids as well.  While in there I tried a bunch of things to see what will work for me for resistance exercises for upper body muscle toning and I found a bunch of things that should work but need to do some research on good ways to increase cardiovascular strength and lung capacity plus ways to build leg strength.  I know swimming laps would work for all 3 of those items but the pool isn’t long enough for that to work real well so I will see if I can find something to do with maybe bungee harnesses or something like that.  Once I figure out a plan I will post it up here.


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