Goofy / Dopey Challenge Trip Reports!

As I now have a few Goofy Challenge trips under my belt since I started putting stuff on the blog, and combined with a Dopey Challenge trip coming up in January, I figured I would combine the previous report pages and combine things to make them easier to find. I figured it would also help clean up the menu at the top of the page!

So 2013 – The page linked here provides a set of sub pages and day to day trip reports for the 2013 Goofy Race and a Half Challenge in Disney World in January 2013.

And 2014 – The page provides some pictures of the 2014 Goofy Challenge as well as day to day trip reports and race reports. I also provide a link out to the training plan I followed.

2015 – Dopey Challenge this year! Big post for this one was the one for the 2015 Disney World Full Marathon – lots and lots of pictures. Fun race!

I have also now posted the Top 5 things to NOT do at the Walt Disney World Marathon.