4 miles in 34 min on the treadmill – short recovery and test run done! No permanent damage from the weekend!


Ok – time to suck it up and do a recovery run and assess where my body is after the Manitoba Marathon on Sunday!

I figured I would start off steady tonight and plan on doing 3 miles and going faster and / or longer depending on how things felt.

So I set the treadmill at 7 mph and I stayed at that speed for 3 miles. At that point I walked 45 seconds and decided to go further. I bumped the speed up to 7.5 mph until I hit the 3.75 mile mark, at that point I decided that I would stop at 4 miles so I bumped the speed again up to 8 mph and finished out the 3 miles in 34 minutes.

Overall things felt pretty good, no major aches or pains and nothing wanting to pull. I’m pretty happy about that!

I did notice that I was starting to feel a bit sluggish before I even hit the 3 mile mark and I assume that is just the body not having had a chance to properly refuel the muscles yet. That and the steak for supper might have slowed me down a bit too…

I am happy with that run and now can sit down and try to map out my training plan from now until October 3rd when the 12 hour Lemming Loop occurs. I have to say I am looking forward to getting into the hard training again – thinking back to last fall, I know that I just feel better on the weeks when I hit 50 miles or more.

Hopefully I will have the plan out and posted in the next couple days.


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